A former co-worker of mine (we’ll call her CC) knew that I had a great and fanatical love of beer experimentation. And, as fate would have it, CC’s dislike of beer ran as deeply as my affinity. One weekend, I received a text from her that said, “I just tried a beer and really liked it. I thought you’d be proud.” It was one of my finest and happiest moments, until the following text told me that it was cider.

‘Cider isn’t beer’ would become my consistent message over the years.

Gone are the days when the only non-beer alternative was a wine cooler.  I mean, I liked the Bartles & Jaymes commercials with the two old guys, or Bruce Willis singing the Seagram’s Golden Wine Cooler jingle. But the product was glorified cough syrup. Let’s take a look at the remarkable resurgence and growth of the non-beer alternatives: cider, hard soda, and yes … Zima.

Let’s start with cider.  Is. Cider. Beer? Unfortunately, the answer is: depends on who you ask. The Federal government, for tax purposes, has qualifications to determine the differences between beer,

wine and champagne. And, since it’s the Federal government, the definition has to be intricate, illogical, and patently ridiculous. Ok, ready? If cider is under 7% ABV, it’s considered beer.  Once it hits 7%, it is classified as wine. Unless, of course, at least 25% of the sugars are from malts, then it’s still considered beer.  Still with me? Now, if it’s above .39% carbon dioxide, it’s technically … champagne.  Makes complete sense.

Let’s look at Mirriam-Webster for definitions:

  • BEER. an alcoholic beverage usually made from malted cereal grain (as barley), flavored with hops, and brewed by slow fermentation
  • WINE. the alcoholic fermented juice of fresh grapes used as a beverage
  • CIDER. fermented apple juice often made sparkling by carbonation or fermentation in a sealed container
VERDICT: it’s clear from the above that cider is not beer. 
It’s somewhat more clear-cut when it comes to hard sodas. Hard sodas are brewed with malt (almost always) and are pumped with mountains of sugar. They’re overly sweetened version of beer, but fllow the same brewing process (for the most part) and meet the majority of the beer definition above. Some of them aren’t bad, depending on what you’re looking for. I mean, a Coney Island Hard Root Beer over vanilla ice cream makes for a pretty delicious root beer float … for adults only. Most of these hard sodas roll in between 4-5% alcohol, so they do carry some punch. 
VERDICT: begrudgingly, it seems like we will need to technically classify hard sodas as beer. Even Beeradvocate.com refers to them as “Herbed/ Spiced Beers.” 
And yes, Zima. Zima is back, apparently. I posted this on Facebook a few days ago, and the comments were overrun by people saying that they would need to stock up on Skittles and Jolly Ranchers.  Folks, if you have to inundate your beverage with sugary candy to make it palatable, what’s the point? No word yet on whether Zima Gold will also return. 
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February 20, 2017
Mike Pennington

Author: Mike Pennington

Mike Pennington, normal, 40-ish, father of three, living the suburban dream north of Atlanta.  

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