I have lots of friends who share my love affair with beer.  We meet; we discuss; we share – and then rinse and repeat. Sometimes we recommend certain beers we’ve tried; sometimes it’s a new cool restaurant or bar.  In this instance, I owe this brewery option to LKS.  She told me it was a must when visiting Asheville.  As always – she was spot on.

When we found Burial Beer Company, it almost snuck up on us.  You almost have to know exactly where to look and what you’re looking for. Burial is in a very understated building and it’s kinda on a side street – not really on the main drag.  But that fits their personality perfectly.  They’re so laid back and casual – it was maybe the coolest atmosphere we saw on the entire trip. More on that later.

The beer was awesome.  It took a second to get someone’s attention at the bar to order a beer … only because there were a dozen people ordering at the same time.  It wasn’t overcrowded – just had some thirsty folks there, like me. There were so many choices I wanted to try, but I only had time for two.  I guess that means a return trip is in my future! Hacksaw Dark Lager – wow. It’s a Dunkel-style beer, amber/dark in color, but still light.  Great flavors going on in that one.  Highly recommend!  But then there’s the Reaper – a Tripel.  You know how much I love a good Tripel, and this one didn’t disappoint.  They use local honey, that adds a very subtle extra sweetness to the thick yummy elixir. Nice and thick with deep, sweet flavors.  This is a very good representation of a Tripel.  (By the way, if you need to do some drooling, go to the Burial Beer list online … they have so many flavors and so many options (obviously not all at the same time.) But these folks KNOW their beer.  They make very high quality beers and cover a very wide variety of styles.  It’s the ultimate beer lovers place, partially because …

That laid back atmosphere bleeds over to the clientele.  We walked outside next to the building and discovered that it was a local hang out. Young couples were there with their kids (and I mean young

kids – babies); dogs were playing.  And there was a cornhole set waiting for us to play.  And by ‘next to the building’, I mean that it was a tiny little gravel and dirt area right next to the building.  It was almost like a vacant lot where people were hanging out.  It was such a relaxed and inviting feel.  If anyone cares – I think I won the cornhole matchup.  And yeah – I bought the mason jar glass.

Next week, the 4.5th in the 4.5 part series.  It’ll make sense when you read it – I promise.

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March 13, 2015
Mike Pennington

Author: Mike Pennington

Mike Pennington, normal, 40-ish, father of three, living the suburban dream north of Atlanta.  

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