I’m on a roll. I mean, not a literal roll … ya know those are full of butter and fat and deliciousness. I can’t have that going on. I mean that we’re on a roll with a few good days in a row. Maybe it’s just taken me some time to get used to this whole thing. Don’t get me wrong – I have no delusions that a few successful days in a row mean that I’m in the clear and finally ‘get it.’ But I think it’s okay to celebrate the small milestones and victories.
Side note: it’s been extra difficult to be good this week. It has rained, I think, 847 out of the last 848 days in Atlanta. We’re starting to mold. And when cabin fever sets in, sometimes the knee-jerk reaction is to either have an extra drink or to head to the pantry for some good quality useless junk food. I take extra pride in the fact that I have not done that. Yet. Silver linings!
Yesterday’s food …
- Yes, I broke with tradition on my typical breakfast once again. Total rebel, I opted for a banana. And that’s it. Good start!
- Lunch was another of my relatively bland salads. About 500 calories of roasted chicken and veggies. Slightly less cheese this time. Really small victories?
- Dinner. I was in charge of figuring out dinner. Now, I’ll be transparent and tell you that I was given a list of potential ingredients for the meal. But I did the combinations and flavors myself. Kinda happy with how it came out. I basically used some frozen veggies, cauliflower rice, and steamed shrimp to make a stir-fry. A little bit of avocado oil, soy sauce, and lemon juice … we had ourselves a crazy low-cal dinner that was actually quite tasty.
And then there’s beer
Basking in the glow of dinner and a pretty solid day, I allowed myself two beers. Two yummy beers.